今回はMR and Azure302bのアプリを作っていきたいと思います。
・Unity 2017.4.11f1
・visual studio2017
目標はMicrosoft Cognitive Serviceをつかって、画像認識アプリを実装することです。自分で用意した画像を使って学習させていきます。それではさっそく始めていきましょう。
今回はAzureのCustom Vision Serviceを利用します。まずCustom Vision serviceのメインページに移動します。続いて以下の順序で進んでいきます。
3.チェックボックスにチェックを入れ、[I agree]をクリック(初めてのログインのときのみ)
4.[NEW PROJECT]をクリック
5.名前をMyCustomVisionとし、[Project Types]、[Domains]を以下のように選択し、[Create project]をクリック
7.[Add images]をクリックし、画像を追加していく
※My Tagsを選択するのをわすれないでください。
9.学習の終了後、[Make default]をクリックし、続いて[Prediction URL]をクリックする
表示されたこれは後ほど使うので場所を覚えておきましょう。赤い枠で囲んだ上の部分はprediction endpointとして、下の部分はPrediction Keyとして使います。
10.歯車マークをクリックし、[Project Id]と[Training Key]を確認する
名前をAzureCustomVisionとして、[Create project]をクリックします。
2.スクリプトエディタがvisual studioになっているかどうか確認する
[Edit]->[Preferences..]->[External Tools]の[External Script Editor]がVisual Studio 2017(Community)になっているか確認します。
3.[Build Settings..]からさまざまな項目を編集していく
[File]->[Build Settings..]を開きます。
[PC, Mac & Linux Standalone]を[Universal Windows Platform]に変更し、[Switch Platform]をクリックします
[Add Open Scenes]をクリックし、[新しいフォルダー]を作成し名前をSceneとします。Sceneフォルダーの中にCustomVisionSceneと名前をつけて保存します。
c.[Player Settings..]を編集する
[Player Settings..]をクリックします。
そのあと[Other Settings]、[Publishing Settings]->[Capabilities]、[XR Settings]を以下のように設定してきます。
続いて、Unity C#にチェックを入れます。[Player Settings]は以上です。
まず、Newtonsoftライブラリをダウンロードします。[Assets]->[Import Package]->[Custom Package]をクリックします。ダウンロードしたnewtosoftDLLをフォルダの名から探し選択します。
[Project]->[Create]->[C# Script]をクリックし、名前をCustomVisionAnalyserとします。以下のコードをうつしてきますが、ここで0.準備の8で取得したPrediction Keyとprediction endpointを使います。コードの日本語で書かれた文を削除し、かわりにそれらを挿入していきます。
・ロードした画像データをAzure Custom Vision Serviceに送信する。
・Azure Custom Vision Serviceから結果を受け取る
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using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; using Newtonsoft.Json; public class CustomVisionAnalyser : MonoBehaviour { /// <summary> /// Unique instance of this class /// </summary> public static CustomVisionAnalyser Instance; /// <summary> /// Insert your Prediction Key here /// </summary> private string predictionKey = "先ほど取得したプレディクションキー"; /// <summary> /// Insert your prediction endpoint here /// </summary> private string predictionEndpoint = "先ほど取得したプレディクションエンドポイント"; /// <summary> /// Byte array of the image to submit for analysis /// </summary> [HideInInspector] public byte[] imageBytes; /// <summary> /// Initialises this class /// </summary> private void Awake() { // Allows this instance to behave like a singleton Instance = this; } /// <summary> /// Call the Computer Vision Service to submit the image. /// </summary> public IEnumerator AnalyseLastImageCaptured(string imagePath) { WWWForm webForm = new WWWForm(); using (UnityWebRequest unityWebRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post(predictionEndpoint, webForm)) { // Gets a byte array out of the saved image imageBytes = GetImageAsByteArray(imagePath); unityWebRequest.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); unityWebRequest.SetRequestHeader("Prediction-Key", predictionKey); // The upload handler will help uploading the byte array with the request unityWebRequest.uploadHandler = new UploadHandlerRaw(imageBytes); unityWebRequest.uploadHandler.contentType = "application/octet-stream"; // The download handler will help receiving the analysis from Azure unityWebRequest.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); // Send the request yield return unityWebRequest.SendWebRequest(); string jsonResponse = unityWebRequest.downloadHandler.text; // The response will be in JSON format, therefore it needs to be deserialized // The following lines refers to a class that you will build in later Chapters // Wait until then to uncomment these lines AnalysisObject analysisObject = new AnalysisObject(); analysisObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AnalysisObject>(jsonResponse); SceneOrganiser.Instance.SetTagsToLastLabel(analysisObject); } } /// <summary> /// Returns the contents of the specified image file as a byte array. /// </summary> static byte[] GetImageAsByteArray(string imageFilePath) { FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(imageFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream); return binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)fileStream.Length); } } |
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using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System; using UnityEngine.Networking; public class CustomVisionObjects : MonoBehaviour { } // The objects contained in this script represent the deserialized version // of the objects used by this application /// Web request object for image /// <summary> data /// </summary> class MultipartObject : IMultipartFormSection { public string sectionName { get; set; } public byte[] sectionData { get; set; } public string fileName { get; set; } public string contentType { get; set; } } /// <summary> /// JSON of all Tags existing within the project /// contains the list of Tags /// </summary> public class Tags_RootObject { public List<TagOfProject> Tags { get; set; } public int TotalTaggedImages { get; set; } public int TotalUntaggedImages { get; set; } } public class TagOfProject { public string Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public int ImageCount { get; set; } } /// <summary> /// JSON of Tag to associate to an image /// Contains a list of hosting the tags, /// since multiple tags can be associated with one image /// </summary> public class Tag_RootObject { public List<Tag> Tags { get; set; } } public class Tag { public string ImageId { get; set; } public string TagId { get; set; } } /// <summary> /// JSON of Images submitted /// Contains objects that host detailed information about one or more images /// </summary> public class ImageRootObject { public bool IsBatchSuccessful { get; set; } public List<SubmittedImage> Images { get; set; } } public class SubmittedImage { public string SourceUrl { get; set; } public string Status { get; set; } public ImageObject Image { get; set; } } public class ImageObject { public string Id { get; set; } public DateTime Created { get; set; } public int Width { get; set; } public int Height { get; set; } public string ImageUri { get; set; } public string ThumbnailUri { get; set; } } /// <summary> /// JSON of Service Iteration /// </summary> public class Iteration { public string Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public bool IsDefault { get; set; } public string Status { get; set; } public string Created { get; set; } public string LastModified { get; set; } public string TrainedAt { get; set; } public string ProjectId { get; set; } public bool Exportable { get; set; } public string DomainId { get; set; } } /// <summary> /// Predictions received by the Service after submitting an image for analysis /// </summary> [Serializable] public class AnalysisObject { public List<Prediction> Predictions { get; set; } } [Serializable] public class Prediction { public string TagName { get; set; } public double Probability { get; set; } } |
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Windows.Speech; using System.Collections; public class VoiceRecognizer : MonoBehaviour { /// <summary> /// Allows this class to behave like a singleton /// </summary> public static VoiceRecognizer Instance; /// <summary> /// Recognizer class for voice recognition /// </summary> internal KeywordRecognizer keywordRecognizer; /// <summary> /// List of Keywords registered /// </summary> private Dictionary<string, Action> _keywords = new Dictionary<string, Action>(); /// <summary> /// Called on initialization /// </summary> private void Awake() { Instance = this; } /// <summary> /// Runs at initialization right after Awake method /// </summary> void Start() { Array tagsArray = Enum.GetValues(typeof(CustomVisionTrainer.Tags)); foreach (object tagWord in tagsArray) { _keywords.Add(tagWord.ToString(), () => { // When a word is recognized, the following line will be called CustomVisionTrainer.Instance.VerifyTag(tagWord.ToString()); }); } _keywords.Add("Discard", () => { // When a word is recognized, the following line will be called // The user does not want to submit the image // therefore ignore and discard the process ImageCapture.Instance.ResetImageCapture(); keywordRecognizer.Stop(); }); //Create the keyword recognizer keywordRecognizer = new KeywordRecognizer(_keywords.Keys.ToArray()); // Register for the OnPhraseRecognized event keywordRecognizer.OnPhraseRecognized += KeywordRecognizer_OnPhraseRecognized; } /// <summary> /// Handler called when a word is recognized /// </summary> private void KeywordRecognizer_OnPhraseRecognized(PhraseRecognizedEventArgs args) { Action keywordAction; // if the keyword recognized is in our dictionary, call that Action. if (_keywords.TryGetValue(args.text, out keywordAction)) { keywordAction.Invoke(); } } } |
同様にスクリプトをつくり、名前をCustomVisionTrainerとします。以下のコードを写していくのですが、ここで0.準備の10で取得したTraining KeyとProject Idを使います。日本語の部分を削除して順序を間違えないようにTraining KeyとProject Idを挿入していきます。
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<pre class="lang:c# decode:true " title="CustomVisionTrainer" >using Newtonsoft.Json; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; public class CustomVisionTrainer : MonoBehaviour { /// <summary> /// Allows this class to behave like a singleton /// </summary> public static CustomVisionTrainer Instance; /// <summary> /// Custom Vision Service URL root /// </summary> private string url = "https://southcentralus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/customvision/v1.2/Training/projects/"; /// <summary> /// Insert your prediction key here /// </summary> private string trainingKey = "先ほど入手したトレーニングキー"; /// <summary> /// Insert your Project Id here /// </summary> private string projectId = "先ほど入手したプロジェクトID"; /// <summary> /// Byte array of the image to submit for analysis /// </summary> internal byte[] imageBytes; /// <summary> /// The Tags accepted /// </summary> internal enum Tags { Mouse, Keyboard } /// <summary> /// The UI displaying the training Chapters /// </summary> private TextMesh trainingUI_TextMesh; /// <summary> /// Called on initialization /// </summary> private void Awake() { Instance = this; } /// <summary> /// Runs at initialization right after Awake method /// </summary> private void Start() { trainingUI_TextMesh = SceneOrganiser.Instance.CreateTrainingUI("TrainingUI", 0.04f, 0, 4, false); } internal void RequestTagSelection() { trainingUI_TextMesh.gameObject.SetActive(true); trainingUI_TextMesh.text = $" \nUse voice command \nto choose between the following tags: \nMouse\nKeyboard \nor say Discard"; VoiceRecognizer.Instance.keywordRecognizer.Start(); } /// <summary> /// Verify voice input against stored tags. /// If positive, it will begin the Service training process. /// </summary> internal void VerifyTag(string spokenTag) { if (spokenTag == Tags.Mouse.ToString() || spokenTag == Tags.Keyboard.ToString()) { trainingUI_TextMesh.text = $"Tag chosen: {spokenTag}"; VoiceRecognizer.Instance.keywordRecognizer.Stop(); StartCoroutine(SubmitImageForTraining(ImageCapture.Instance.filePath, spokenTag)); } } /// <summary> /// Call the Custom Vision Service to submit the image. /// </summary> public IEnumerator SubmitImageForTraining(string imagePath, string tag) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); trainingUI_TextMesh.text = $"Submitting Image \nwith tag: {tag} \nto Custom Vision Service"; string imageId = string.Empty; string tagId = string.Empty; // Retrieving the Tag Id relative to the voice input string getTagIdEndpoint = string.Format("{0}{1}/tags", url, projectId); using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(getTagIdEndpoint)) { www.SetRequestHeader("Training-Key", trainingKey); www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); yield return www.SendWebRequest(); string jsonResponse = www.downloadHandler.text; Tags_RootObject tagRootObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Tags_RootObject>(jsonResponse); foreach (TagOfProject tOP in tagRootObject.Tags) { if (tOP.Name == tag) { tagId = tOP.Id; } } } // Creating the image object to send for training List<IMultipartFormSection> multipartList = new List<IMultipartFormSection>(); MultipartObject multipartObject = new MultipartObject(); multipartObject.contentType = "application/octet-stream"; multipartObject.fileName = ""; multipartObject.sectionData = GetImageAsByteArray(imagePath); multipartList.Add(multipartObject); string createImageFromDataEndpoint = string.Format("{0}{1}/images?tagIds={2}", url, projectId, tagId); using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post(createImageFromDataEndpoint, multipartList)) { // Gets a byte array out of the saved image imageBytes = GetImageAsByteArray(imagePath); //unityWebRequest.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); www.SetRequestHeader("Training-Key", trainingKey); // The upload handler will help uploading the byte array with the request www.uploadHandler = new UploadHandlerRaw(imageBytes); // The download handler will help receiving the analysis from Azure www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); // Send the request yield return www.SendWebRequest(); string jsonResponse = www.downloadHandler.text; ImageRootObject m = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ImageRootObject>(jsonResponse); imageId = m.Images[0].Image.Id; } trainingUI_TextMesh.text = "Image uploaded"; StartCoroutine(TrainCustomVisionProject()); } /// <summary> /// Call the Custom Vision Service to train the Service. /// It will generate a new Iteration in the Service /// </summary> public IEnumerator TrainCustomVisionProject() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); trainingUI_TextMesh.text = "Training Custom Vision Service"; WWWForm webForm = new WWWForm(); string trainProjectEndpoint = string.Format("{0}{1}/train", url, projectId); using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post(trainProjectEndpoint, webForm)) { www.SetRequestHeader("Training-Key", trainingKey); www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); yield return www.SendWebRequest(); string jsonResponse = www.downloadHandler.text; Debug.Log($"Training - JSON Response: {jsonResponse}"); // A new iteration that has just been created and trained Iteration iteration = new Iteration(); iteration = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Iteration>(jsonResponse); if (www.isDone) { trainingUI_TextMesh.text = "Custom Vision Trained"; // Since the Service has a limited number of iterations available, // we need to set the last trained iteration as default // and delete all the iterations you dont need anymore StartCoroutine(SetDefaultIteration(iteration)); } } } /// <summary> /// Set the newly created iteration as Default /// </summary> private IEnumerator SetDefaultIteration(Iteration iteration) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(5); trainingUI_TextMesh.text = "Setting default iteration"; // Set the last trained iteration to default iteration.IsDefault = true; // Convert the iteration object as JSON string iterationAsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(iteration); byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(iterationAsJson); string setDefaultIterationEndpoint = string.Format("{0}{1}/iterations/{2}", url, projectId, iteration.Id); using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Put(setDefaultIterationEndpoint, bytes)) { www.method = "PATCH"; www.SetRequestHeader("Training-Key", trainingKey); www.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); yield return www.SendWebRequest(); string jsonResponse = www.downloadHandler.text; if (www.isDone) { trainingUI_TextMesh.text = "Default iteration is set \nDeleting Unused Iteration"; StartCoroutine(DeletePreviousIteration(iteration)); } } } /// <summary> /// Delete the previous non-default iteration. /// </summary> public IEnumerator DeletePreviousIteration(Iteration iteration) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(5); trainingUI_TextMesh.text = "Deleting Unused \nIteration"; string iterationToDeleteId = string.Empty; string findAllIterationsEndpoint = string.Format("{0}{1}/iterations", url, projectId); using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(findAllIterationsEndpoint)) { www.SetRequestHeader("Training-Key", trainingKey); www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); yield return www.SendWebRequest(); string jsonResponse = www.downloadHandler.text; // The iteration that has just been trained List<Iteration> iterationsList = new List<Iteration>(); iterationsList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Iteration>>(jsonResponse); foreach (Iteration i in iterationsList) { if (i.IsDefault != true) { Debug.Log($"Cleaning - Deleting iteration: {i.Name}, {i.Id}"); iterationToDeleteId = i.Id; break; } } } string deleteEndpoint = string.Format("{0}{1}/iterations/{2}", url, projectId, iterationToDeleteId); using (UnityWebRequest www2 = UnityWebRequest.Delete(deleteEndpoint)) { www2.SetRequestHeader("Training-Key", trainingKey); www2.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); yield return www2.SendWebRequest(); string jsonResponse = www2.downloadHandler.text; trainingUI_TextMesh.text = "Iteration Deleted"; yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); trainingUI_TextMesh.text = "Ready for next \ncapture"; yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); trainingUI_TextMesh.text = ""; ImageCapture.Instance.ResetImageCapture(); } } /// <summary> /// Returns the contents of the specified image file as a byte array. /// </summary> static byte[] GetImageAsByteArray(string imageFilePath) { FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(imageFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream); return binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)fileStream.Length); } }</code> |
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using System; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; public class SceneOrganiser : MonoBehaviour { /// <summary> /// Allows this class to behave like a singleton /// </summary> public static SceneOrganiser Instance; /// <summary> /// The cursor object attached to the camera /// </summary> internal GameObject cursor; /// <summary> /// The label used to display the analysis on the objects in the real world /// </summary> internal GameObject label; /// <summary> /// Object providing the current status of the camera. /// </summary> internal TextMesh cameraStatusIndicator; /// <summary> /// Reference to the last label positioned /// </summary> internal Transform lastLabelPlaced; /// <summary> /// Reference to the last label positioned /// </summary> internal TextMesh lastLabelPlacedText; /// <summary> /// Current threshold accepted for displaying the label /// Reduce this value to display the recognition more often /// </summary> internal float probabilityThreshold = 0.5f; /// <summary> /// Called on initialization /// </summary> private void Awake() { // Use this class instance as singleton Instance = this; // Add the ImageCapture class to this GameObject gameObject.AddComponent<ImageCapture>(); // Add the CustomVisionAnalyser class to this GameObject gameObject.AddComponent<CustomVisionAnalyser>(); // Add the CustomVisionTrainer class to this GameObject gameObject.AddComponent<CustomVisionTrainer>(); // Add the VoiceRecogniser class to this GameObject gameObject.AddComponent<VoiceRecognizer>(); // Add the CustomVisionObjects class to this GameObject gameObject.AddComponent<CustomVisionObjects>(); // Create the camera Cursor cursor = CreateCameraCursor(); // Load the label prefab as reference label = CreateLabel(); // Create the camera status indicator label, and place it above where predictions // and training UI will appear. cameraStatusIndicator = CreateTrainingUI("Status Indicator", 0.02f, 0.2f, 3, true); // Set camera status indicator to loading. SetCameraStatus("Loading"); } /// <summary> /// Spawns cursor for the Main Camera /// </summary> private GameObject CreateCameraCursor() { // Create a sphere as new cursor GameObject newCursor = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); // Attach it to the camera newCursor.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; // Resize the new cursor newCursor.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.02f, 0.02f, 0.02f); // Move it to the correct position newCursor.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 4); // Set the cursor color to red newCursor.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse")); newCursor.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.green; return newCursor; } /// <summary> /// Create the analysis label object /// </summary> private GameObject CreateLabel() { // Create a sphere as new cursor GameObject newLabel = new GameObject(); // Resize the new cursor newLabel.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f); // Creating the text of the label TextMesh t = newLabel.AddComponent<TextMesh>(); t.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; t.alignment = TextAlignment.Center; t.fontSize = 50; t.text = ""; return newLabel; } /// <summary> /// Set the camera status to a provided string. Will be coloured if it matches a keyword. /// </summary> /// <param name="statusText">Input string</param> public void SetCameraStatus(string statusText) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(statusText) == false) { string message = "white"; switch (statusText.ToLower()) { case "loading": message = "yellow"; break; case "ready": message = "green"; break; case "uploading image": message = "red"; break; case "looping capture": message = "yellow"; break; case "analysis": message = "red"; break; } cameraStatusIndicator.GetComponent<TextMesh>().text = $"Camera Status:\n<color={message}>{statusText}..</color>"; } } /// <summary> /// Instantiate a label in the appropriate location relative to the Main Camera. /// </summary> public void PlaceAnalysisLabel() { lastLabelPlaced = Instantiate(label.transform, cursor.transform.position, transform.rotation); lastLabelPlacedText = lastLabelPlaced.GetComponent<TextMesh>(); } /// <summary> /// Set the Tags as Text of the last label created. /// </summary> public void SetTagsToLastLabel(AnalysisObject analysisObject) { lastLabelPlacedText = lastLabelPlaced.GetComponent<TextMesh>(); if (analysisObject.Predictions != null) { foreach (Prediction p in analysisObject.Predictions) { if (p.Probability > 0.02) { lastLabelPlacedText.text += $"Detected: {p.TagName} {p.Probability.ToString("0.00 \n")}"; Debug.Log($"Detected: {p.TagName} {p.Probability.ToString("0.00 \n")}"); } } } } /// <summary> /// Create a 3D Text Mesh in scene, with various parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">name of object</param> /// <param name="scale">scale of object (i.e. 0.04f)</param> /// <param name="yPos">height above the cursor (i.e. 0.3f</param> /// <param name="zPos">distance from the camera</param> /// <param name="setActive">whether the text mesh should be visible when it has been created</param> /// <returns>Returns a 3D text mesh within the scene</returns> internal TextMesh CreateTrainingUI(string name, float scale, float yPos, float zPos, bool setActive) { GameObject display = new GameObject(name, typeof(TextMesh)); display.transform.parent = Camera.main.transform; display.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, yPos, zPos); display.SetActive(setActive); display.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale); display.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(); TextMesh textMesh = display.GetComponent<TextMesh>(); textMesh.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; textMesh.alignment = TextAlignment.Center; return textMesh; } } |
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using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Input; using UnityEngine.XR.WSA.WebCam; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; public class ImageCapture : MonoBehaviour { /// <summary> /// Allows this class to behave like a singleton /// </summary> public static ImageCapture Instance; /// <summary> /// Keep counts of the taps for image renaming /// </summary> private int captureCount = 0; /// <summary> /// Photo Capture object /// </summary> private PhotoCapture photoCaptureObject = null; /// <summary> /// Allows gestures recognition in HoloLens /// </summary> private GestureRecognizer recognizer; /// <summary> /// Loop timer /// </summary> private float secondsBetweenCaptures = 10f; /// <summary> /// Application main functionalities switch /// </summary> internal enum AppModes { Analysis, Training } /// <summary> /// Local variable for current AppMode /// </summary> internal AppModes AppMode { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// Flagging if the capture loop is running /// </summary> internal bool captureIsActive; /// <summary> /// File path of current analysed photo /// </summary> internal string filePath = string.Empty; /// <summary> /// Called on initialization /// </summary> private void Awake() { Instance = this; & |